power of media

we live in a time now, where our access to technology and information is expanding rapidly.

there are more resources available to us, just at the tips of our fingers, than any of our ancestors could have imagined. the revolution has been the primary influencer over many of the perspectives i have adopted or derived in finding my own. it presents amazing opportunities for more perspectives than ever to exist and interact with one another.

mental intrigues have guided me to an assortment of experiences, from watching personally made rap verses or reading about wizardry to learning about the latest research in aeroponics or genetic engineering. One specific type of media in particular has been making a lifelong impact on myself and what i am constantly growing to understand about the world. this innovative concept i speak of is called motion picture, pronounced, “Vih-Dee-Yuh”. a film was critically important in reaching my adoption of a plant-based lifestyle and i can’t say how far i’d have made it through school were it not for access to so many people i could observe who had gone down that path before me. i’ve certainly learned more from my interaction with the internet than any other experience. there’s a ton to do here and it’s expanding every single day.

i’m glad to be a part of what it’s becoming and am excited to see what the future holds us.

it’s taken me awhile to become comfortable expressing and sharing here, but i am now ready to begin making marks

check the new vid below!

