closer still

In understanding yourself, you’re the closest anyone will ever get. we learn more about ourselves by making comparisons to other things we observe or experience.

To understanding each other, there must be a similarity in experience or a relative ground of mutual understanding. simply speaking the same language is not enough. If we asked 100 people to define the word “understanding”, it’s easy to imagine how diverse a sample of definitions we would find. Most would likely be similar, but some might be so different as to partially contradict others. Trickier than this, thoughts and ideas don’t have to present themselves in words. Imagine attempting to identify dogs drawn by that same hundred people.

It’s frustrating to attempt communicating when experiences diverge. These are the things that shape the respective worlds we live in. whenever conversations reach the outlines of either world, we reach misunderstandings. here, we may choose to learn and expand our worlds or we may withdraw back toward our warm, familiar core. we may unlock greater truths of ourselves and environment in the former, but it’s much easier and comfortable to do the latter. either choice warrants a consequence worthy of personal growth, so long as there’s a balance in frequency of the route taken.

The truth is, we’re all alone in what our own mind understands the world is. And we have the most control over the world we personally create.

I chose to live in a world that presents the types of challenges I want to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Understanding my role in the reality i perceive, I’m able to monitor my progress toward life aspirations and goals. I draw much of my self love from the unique awareness and life intricacies that can’t fully be divulged. I’m creating my own journey and am happy to be taking an active role in shaping it further everyday.


