
understandings are achieved through the expressions we perceive

it often proves difficult to paint one's thoughts true to the way they appear in the mind. one unheeded detail can obscure the understanding or provoke an undesired response. like delivering a good joke, the presentation of information is key to getting your idea box through the door (bad one). the pattern runs true outside of communication as well. no one wants an ugly dinner plate served to them. we are drawn to the strange and beautiful, allure, and absurdity. experiences oftentimes supply the core for understandings we wish to share and unfortunately if a similar set of experiences don’t exist within the recipient of the communication, issues in comprehension are bound to persist.

we may only make sense of what we experience relative to what we already understand. and understanding itself is relative and vague. we can never truly or wholly understand anything. what’s shared is incomplete and may never grow to exist in the same format as the sender intended.

there’s still hope for expression though. as we have much more than words to share. misunderstanding can be just as beautiful and inspirational. the result of sharing our expressions always presents opportunity for new perspectives to emerge. these new perspectives may look different from the original expression, but they may also assist in achieving the initially desired communication. the more diverse our experiences are, the easier it becomes to create alternative patterns(expressions) to acquiring a similar result.


