

it’s difficult to live in the present while consciously being aware of the past and potential futures to come. i tend to write my thoughts in sessions with at least three subjects active at a time to more evenly depict the combined perspectives influencing my understandings when thoughts are formed. the tabs my fingers hover over, compete for my mind’s isolated attention and an additional level of understanding is created from seeing how the articles take shape. some topics flow smooth and easily while others require deep concentration and meticulous word choice. i think having the liberty to switch between topics alleviates the pressure or frustration i feel that sometimes finds it’s way between a sentence’s completion. things i create come slowly, but they’re more inclusive of everything I’d like to contribute to the piece. finding the way to create should be challenging and learning ways to overcome the challenges may only expand upon what we’re able to create. there are an infinite number of directions to begin and a quite a number of guides pulling from different sides. there are a ton of decisions still left to make, but that’s one of the greatest things we have to look forward to. the right and wrongs are relative only to how you write your wrongs.

And you can write whatever you want*.


*writing something that discriminates against or belittles and intimidates others may warrant undesired consequences.


