eggplant parmesan


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hella servings

few splashes of cooking spray - $0.03

1/4 cup bread crumbs - $0.70

3 tbsp vegan parmesan (or make your own) - $4.00 

1 large eggplant - $2.79

1/4 cup vegan butter - $0.51

1/2 vegan mozz (or make your own) - $4.50

1 jar of tomato sauce - $1.50

1/2 package pasta - $0.60

total cost - $14.63


heat oven at 425F. oil down your baking tray. mix bread crumbs and vegan parm in a lil bowl. slice eggplant, brush with earth balance or vegan margarine, then coat those bbs with the parmesan/breadcrumb mixture. bake ~15 min or until those eggplants look good enough to eat... ;)

top with mozzerella slices and bake a couple more mins, until cheese is melty. 

cook noods, heat sauce, and s(w)erve.


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