
Perception: The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.

Understanding: perceive the intended meaning of (something)

Perspective: a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.



The billions of perspectives that exist in our world have many overlapping and deviating intricacies. So many, in fact, that we spend much of our times as humans rationalizing and attempting to predict ways that our perspectives may coexist or cannot possibly be juxtaposed. There is much to be said about ways by which they interact, including what we observe in how they may mutually benefit or harm each other.

I believe that there’s an importance in every perspective. There is always the potential for a perspective to be inclusive or exclusive of  another and the fact that we have so many, drives my urge to understand the importance of learning about different perspectives that exist.

When I think of what something means in my mind or how something makes me feel, I can only understand what I perceive through comparing it with the other perceptions and perspectives that populate my mind. I have found that fewer perceptions I have surrounding a given topic cause me to experience discomfort which oftentimes transforms into a desire to learn more. In increasingly rare cases, the experience transforms into a rejection of concepts that could potentially harm more vulnerable perspectives that I value.

The more perceptions we have to make comparisons to and contradictions against, the better understanding we gain of ourselves and the subjects at hand. Additionally, our perceptions allow others the ability to share a common experience and build on their own perspectives.

I try to challenge my perspectives similar to how I’m supposed to challenge my body. Waking stretches circulate fresh oxygen to my limbs as I ask myself why I want to do what I have committed to for the day. I check the mirror to see the progress made and close my eyes to affirm the shapes of perspective I’m working on.


