
hungry? eat.


have you ever woken up and considered eating a few oreos with a tall glass of almond milk? have you ever tried eating breakfast for dinner? have you ever stayed up way past your bedtime, contracted the munchies disease, and decided to eat a bowl of cereal, some leftover pizza, and a burrito stuffed with bananas, popcorn, and peanut butter, drizzled over with maple syrup? I have.

this isn't to say you should always eat whatever hodgepodge mix of ingredients you select while playing ferret frenzy in your pantry, but you should question your eating tendencies and habits if you haven't already. why do you eat when you eat? why do you eat what you eat when you eat?

many of us have grown up believing that we must consume a breakfast, lunch, and dinner (including some combo of meat, dairy, and eggs) in order to maintain a "balanced" or "healthy" diet. some of us have learned that fasting or eating more frequently yields health benefits. but there's not much if any evidence supporting these notions.

our recipes are organized by taste so no matter what time of day it is, there's something edble for you to consume. yumm

history of the concepts of b/l/d

when are the best times to eat
